Simple A/B tested download page which I created while working at Docstoc, This page has two CTA buttons which lead to either a payment page, or an upsale page which offers even more of Docstoc’s services. Whichever page is selected, the user is still directed to the end goal of making a purchase.
This upsell page was created to offer extra services to the customer. Easy to understand icons reassure the user that purchases are easy and secure. Before the user can download, they are first sent to the payment page.
This payment page has been designed to maximize both simplicity and clarity. The user first chooses a plan, then enters their credit card information to complete the transaction.
"Liron is an exceptional professional who puts his heart and soul into each project he takes on. He worked on hundreds of design efforts at Docstoc consistently helping to make the product better and more streamlined for users. He’s got a very strong sense of design for marketing and his solid technical skills are complimented by his earnest, positive, get stuff done attitude that affects any organization for the better."